
Latin and Vatican II

Why does Pope St. John XXIII get the blame for the decline of Latin?

Pope St John XXII announced the Second Vatican Council in January of 1959. The Council was held in four sessions, the last of which ended on December 8, 1965. Pope John, however, presided over only the first one, and died on June 3, 1963. None of the Council’s sixteen official documents were written in their final form during the first session, or formally promulgated by him.

Nevertheless, there is a widespread misconception that the general eclipse of the Latin language in the Western church is due to him and the Council. During the many years when I worked as a tour guide in Rome and the Vatican, I was very often in St Peter’s Basilica with clients in time for the beginning of the 5 p.m. Mass, which until recently was sung mostly in Latin. People would very often hear the music, realize what language it was in, and say something like, “I thought John XXIII abolished the Latin.” 

I am glad to say that almost all of them were pleasantly surprised to learn that nothing could be further from the truth.

The Truth about Vatican II and Latin

The truth is, Vatican II itself says almost nothing about Latin, precisely because St John had promulgated the Apostolic Constitution Veterum Sapientia on the preservation and promotion of Latin less than eight months before it began. 

The Council Fathers very reasonably took it for granted that there was no need to say anything more on the subject. 

Let’s have a look at what little it does have to say on the subject, from the constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and the decree on priestly formation Optatam totius.

The latter simply repeats briefly in paragraph 13 what is stated much more fully in Veterum Sapientia.

“Antequam sacrorum alumni studia proprie ecclesiastica aggrediantur, ea humanistica et scientifica institutione ornentur, qua iuvenes in sua cuiusque natione superiora studia inire valeant; ac praeterea eam linguae latinae cognitionem acquirant, qua tot scientiarum fontes et Ecclesiae documenta intelligere atque adhibere possint. Studium linguae liturgicae unicuique ritui propriae necessarium habeatur, cognitio vero congrua linguarum Sacrae Scripturae et Traditionis valde foveatur.”

Or, in English:

“Before they begin specifically ecclesiastical studies, seminarians should be equipped with that humanistic and scientific training which enable young men in their own countries to undertake higher studies, and furthermore acquire such a knowledge of the Latin language that it will enable them to understand and make use of the sources of so many sciences, and the documents of the Church. The study of the liturgical language proper to each rite should be considered necessary, and a suitable knowledge of the languages of Sacred Scripture and Tradition should be greatly encouraged.”

In 1983, this provision was incorporated into the new Code of Canon Law (can. 249), and remains the law of the Church.  

Of course, outside the universities and seminaries, the ordinary Catholic most frequently encountered Latin at Mass, and it was in no way the intention of the Council that this should cease to be so. 

Linguae latinae usus, salvo particulari iure, in Ritibus latinis servetur. – Particular law remaining in force, let the use of the Latin language be preserved in the Latin rites.” (36)

Provideatur … ut christifideles etiam lingua latina partes Ordinarii Missae quae ad ipsos spectant possint simul dicere vel cantare. – Provision should be made that the faithful may also be able to say or to sing together in Latin those parts of the Ordinary of the Mass which belong to them.” (54)

Iuxta saecularem traditionem ritus latini, in Officio divino lingua latina clericis servanda est, facta tamen Ordinario potestate usum versionis vernaculae ad normam art. 36 confectae concedendi, singulis pro casibus, iis clericis, quibus usus linguae latinae grave impedimentum est quominus Officium debite persolvant. – In accordance with the centuries-old tradition of the Latin rite, the Latin language is to be preserved by clerics in the Divine Office. But in individual cases, the ordinary has the power of granting the use of a vernacular translation, drawn up according to the provision of article 36, to those clerics for whom the use of Latin constitutes a grave obstacle to their praying the office properly.” (101)

So if you are studying Latin, attending a Mass celebrated in Latin, or a cleric who says the Mass or Office in Latin, and someone asks you why, you should answer, “Ad Concilii voluntatem implendam. – To fulfill the will of the Council!

This post was originally published on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

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Dr. Nancy Llewellyn

Co-Founder, Veterum Sapientia Institute
Magistra - Introductory Latin

Magistra Annula is Associate Professor of Latin at Belmont Abbey College, coming to North Carolina after a decade at Wyoming Catholic College. She teaches Latin at the Charlotte Diocese’s new St. Joseph College Seminary in addition to her work at Belmont. Earlier in her career she studied with Fr. Reginald Foster and at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome. Returning to her native California, Nancy founded SALVI in 1997 and served on its board until 2019, directing SALVI workshops (Rusticationes) around the country and abroad. She holds her PhD (2006) from UCLA.

Fr. Dylan Schrader, PhD

Magister - Scholastic Theology

Pater Pelagius is a priest of the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri, ordained in 2010. He holds a PhD in systematic theology from the Catholic University of America and is the translator of several Scholastic works, including On the Motive of the Incarnation, the first volume in CUA’s Early Modern Catholic Sources series, and Book 2 of Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences, edited by the Aquinas Institute for the Study of Sacred Doctrine. Fr. Schrader is the author of The Shortcut to Scholastic Latin, published by the Paideia Institute Press. He has attended every Veterum Sapientia conference since its inception.

Mr. Christopher Owens, STM

Chief Executive Officer

Christopher Owens completed licentiate studies at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (“the Angelicum”) with a concentration in Thomism, and is a doctoral candidate at the same university. His research investigates the question of predestination in the writings of the early Thomists. More generally, Christopher’s research interests in both philosophy and theology are focused on the preambles of faith, ontology, meta-ethics, and action theory as found principally in the Thomistic tradition, as well as in the medieval dialectic of the University of Paris. Additionally, Christopher serves on the editorial board for Philosophical News, the official journal of the European Society for Moral Philosophy, and is vice-president of the Albertus Magnus Center for Scholastic Studies, based in Norcia, Italy.

Fr. Joseph Matlak


Fr. Joseph Matlak is a priest of the Eparchy of Saint Josaphat in Parma (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic). Born in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England, he studied Ancient History at King’s College London, and completed seminary studies and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. He is currently finishing a doctorate at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, England. He serves as administrator of Saint Basil the Great Parish in Charlotte, North Carolina, and is an instructor within the Honors College of Belmont Abbey College. He has previously worked in parishes and missions, schools, youth and young adult ministry, liturgical music, and Catholic media, among other roles.

Magister Marcus Porto

Magister - Introductory Latin

Magister Marcus holds a B.A. in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College and a Latin Fluency Certificate from Academia Vivarium Novum, where he learned to speak Latin under Luigi Miraglia. He is currently a graduate student at Kentucky University, studying Latin under Terence Tunberg and Milena Minkova, and works as a classical languages’ instructor, Liberal Arts teacher, and editor at Instituto Hugo de São Vitor, Brazil.

Dr. Samuel Stahl


Samuel Stahl earned a PhD in Classics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. His dissertation is an annotated verse translation from Claudian’s carmina minora; his passions, both personal and professional, include Christian poetry and ecumenism. In addition to his work with VSI, he teaches ELA at a Catholic grammar school in Western New York, where he lives with his wife and two cats.

Magister Tod Post, MA


Mr. Post holds a B.A. in philosophy from St. John’s Seminary College in Camarillo, CA and an M.A. in Medieval Studies from the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto. His areas of study and interest include codicology and palaeography and creating medieval and classical inks and writing materials. He particularly enjoys working in his garden surrounded by plants from the classical world such as papyrus, acanthus, figs, olives and grapes which also gives him an opportunity to practice his botanical Latin. He is a lifelong resident of southern California where he has been teaching and promoting Latin since 2004 and where he resides with his wife and six children.

Kit Adderley


Kit Adderley became interested in Ancient Rome at a young age, and following a particularly interesting and formative Roman History class in high school, decided to study Classics at Franciscan University of Steubenville. While studying and in subsequent years, Kit was blessed to attend many spoken Latin programs both in the United States and in Rome. Kit has taught Latin for 10 years at the high school and middle school level in Texas and Minnesota, most recently designing and implementing a spoken Latin program for high school that enjoyed tremendous success. Kit currently works in the finance industry but continues to love Latin and the classical world and is excited to work with Veterum Sapientia in bringing that knowledge to others.

Matthew Ratcliff

Coordinator for Marketing and Course Development

Matthew Ratcliff is a graduate from Belmont Abbey College, where he fell in love with Latin while studying under Nancy Llewellyn and Gregory DiPippo, and where he encountered the natural method for the first time. He has previously taught for Aquinas Learning Center in Charlotte for the 2023-2024 academic year. Matthew firmly believes that everyone can learn Latin well. He loves incorporating physical movement in the classroom and is excited to share the joy of the language with every class!

Magister Gregory DiPippo

Director of Academic Development, Assistant to the Dean, Magister - Introductory Latin

Magister Gregorius was born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island, where he attended a high school which offered an excellent Latin program. He attended McGill University in Montreal, where he studied Classical Languages and Literature, and the Augustinian Patristic Institute in Rome, where he studied the Fathers of the Church. For 23 years, he worked as a tour guide in Rome, and for the last 15 years, he has been a regular contributor (and for 10 years editor) to the New Liturgical Movement website.

Andrea Allen


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