Context of the Letter
The Pontifical Academy for Latin (Pontificia Academia Latinitatis), established by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012, recently presented its annual awards for works on the study of Latin in two specific area: De rerum natura, on Latin and science, and De re publica, on Latin and politics. For this occasion, Pope Francis sent an official message to His Eminence Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, the Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, the Vatican department under whose aegis the academy operates. We are especially pleased to note these wise words of the Holy Father regarding the Latin language:
The Holy Father’s Words
“Latin is a treasure of knowledge and thought, the key for approaching the classic texts which have forged our world. It represents the roots of western civilization, and in many ways our very identity. It is a language which embraces philosophy, science, art and politics, thus demonstrating its intrinsic value as an instrument of reflection and dialogue, all the more necessary in a fragmented world like our own. Regarding this, the recipients of these awards offer a fresh, contemporary vision of how this ancient language can still speak to us and stimulate our reflection. Their research not only investigates the thought of great masters of the past, but integrates that wisdom into a modern context, bringing it to the challenges of our times. The work which participates in this competition invites us to explore the link between scientific and political knowledge, under the shield of a language that boasts of a history measured in millennia.
… Reflecting on these two fields of study… we see how Latin prepares a fertile soil for exploration and synthesis between science, culture and politics. The careful and systematic research of the prize recipients is therefore not just an academic contribution, but truly a call made to each one of us … (which) invites us to reaffirm our commitment to a culture which favors mankind’s integral growth.
… Latin, and with it, humanity’s intellectual patrimony, can become instruments of harmony between peoples, promoting mutual respect and human dignity. I therefore desire that the prize conferred today becomes a sign of hope, and that the passion which those who have received it may inspire others to the same commitment.”