Starting in the autumn of 2024, over a dozen women religious will begin their Latin adventure, learning to read, write, and converse in the the living Language of the Church—just as their foremothers did from Saint Scholastica, St. Hildegard of Bingen, St. Julian of Norwich, and countless others to the present day! The texts of the Mass in Latin, the Vulgate Latin Bible of St. Jerome, St. Thomas Aquinas’s theology, the words of Gregorian Chant . . . all these will be (literally) an open book to our dear Sisters!
This good news is the fruit of our budding collaboration with the Magdala Apostolate. This apostolate is the part of the Institute of Catholic Culture that is specifically devoted to the intellectual formation of women religious. It provides them with courses in history, philosophy, theology . . . and now Latin, through VSI.
We are delighted that our two institutes, which both exist for the promotion of the Church’s own intellectual and religious heritage, are working together for the women who have selflessly given themselves to Christ and His Church.
This is an example of the kind of work we were founded to do!