Featured Tutors
A tutoring session with one of our featured tutors can be booked by simply clicking on the “Schedule” tab next to their name, selecting the meeting length, and then following the prompts to pay for the session. There is no longer a requirement to send an application through admissions.
I have over ten years of experience teaching and tutoring at the elementary, junior high, and graduate levels.
Experience: 12 Years
Magistra Jenni Glaser, MA
Professional Teacher & PhD Candidate
Tutor for
Latin & Ancient Greek.
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online Only
Elementary school students and up.
My name is Jenni and I am a professional Latin and Greek teacher with over ten years of experience teaching and tutoring both Latin and Ancient Greek. I have taught professionally at the elementary, junior high, and graduate levels and I hold Master’s degrees in Classical Philology. I am currently working on my PhD at Bryn Mawr College, and before that I taught Greek and Latin at the Polis Institute for several years. I also have experience with spoken Latin and Ancient Greek, and I teach all of my school courses in a 100% immersion setting. My passion is to show every interested student that they have the capability to master these languages. With my help, the complicated aspects of these languages will become clear to you, as I help my students learn tools and strategies that they will keep with them in the classroom and out – all in a fun and friendly tutoring environment. With specifically tailored instruction, either as a supplement to current courses or an education ab initio (i.e. from the beginning), I will work with you to help you access the beautiful literature, history and music of the languages of the Ancient World.
Dr. Nicolás Lázaro, PhD
Tutor for
Latin & Greek.
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online Only
18 and up.
My name is Nicolás Lázaro and I received my PhD from the National University of Rosario (UNR, Argentina) on Medieval Philosophy (Thomas Aquinas). Born and raised in Argentina, I have studied abroad: Italy, USA, Brazil and Germany. I have completed many specialization courses on Classics (with the Polis Institute, the Academia Vivarium Novum, the Pontificio Istituto “Altioris Latinitatis”). My main scope is to teach Classics to read the Great Books of Western Civilization on their own language, without any translation.
Magister Sean Pilcher
Professional Teacher & Translator
Tutor for
Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, and Catalan. Biblical Greek and German but not via the spoken method.
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online & In-person in the Minneapolis area
Elementary school students and up.
Magister Pilcher, a native of Iowa, began his study of Latin at a young age. During various extended stays on the continent, he became fluent in several modern languages and fell in love with the city of Rome. His Latin study continued at Saint Louis University where he began his work as a translator. His recently-completed translation of the Tabula Libri Ethicorum (Aquinas Institute, forthcoming) is the first in any language of the Angelic Doctor’s concordance of the Nicomachean Ethics. He also works to prepare and authenticate sacred relics. His approach to living Latin is informed by his mentor Fr Reginaldus Foster, OCD. He currently teaches Latin to all ages in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Magister Marcus Porto
Professional Teacher
Tutor for
Latin & Greek
30 Min. Trial Lesson
45 min Tutoring Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online Only
High school students and up.
Salve! Nomen mihi est Marcus. This is my real and roman name. From the time I was immersed in Latin for a whole year, at Accademia Vivarium Novum, IT, I have had a special love for the language of Cicero. It did much for my mind and education. Speaking it in both a serious and light way and reading extensively, enabled me to dialogue with a plethora of great minds and access the invaluable intellectual and liturgical riches of the Catholic Church. Besides, it helped me with Mathematics, Writing, and learning many other languages later. I can speak English, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian but Latin is still the language that was most edifying to me. When studying the Liberals Arts at Thomas Aquinas College, CA, for instance, I was able to read the original text of many great works, like the Vulgate and the Confessions by Saint Augustine. If you would like to really learn Latin by speaking and reap the benefits I reaped, please let me know. Vale!
Available Tutors by Request
Listed by Hourly Rate: Low to High
Cory Landrum
Tutor for
Latin, Greek
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online Only
Middle school students and up.
My name is Cory Landrum. I received my BA in Classical Languages and Literature and History from the University of Michigan. I’m presently working on a MA in Systematic Theology at Christendom College. I am a Diocesan high school teacher of Latin and have extensive experience teaching for homeschool co-ops. I have also taught Latin to seminarians and religious postulants. In addition to Latin, I have taught Biblical Greek to high school aged homeschoolers. Students who work with me will walk away with a profound appreciation of classical languages and a superior ability to engage with ancient works in the original.
Fernando de Morais, MA
Tutor for
Latin & Greek
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Online Only
Middle school students and up.
I completed a master’s in Ancient Philology from the Polis Institute of Languages and Humanities and a master’s in Classics from the Washington University in St. Louis. I hold an M.A. degree in Literary Studies and a B.A. in Ancient Greek from the Federal University of Parana, Brazil. I have been teaching Greek since 2008, and Latin since 2012.
Jackson Perry, MA
Tutor for
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
All ages
Jackson Perry has 5 years of experience teaching Latin to students of every age. After obtaining his BA in the University Scholars program at Baylor University, he pursued an MA in Classics at the University of Kentucky, which focuses in active Latin instruction. He is now a Latin teacher, tutor, and researcher assisting in the translation and transcription of medieval Dominican texts.
Jesús Guerrero-Paquette
Tutor for
Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
30 Min. Trial Lesson
Hourly Rate
Tutoring Locations
Middle school students and up
Salve, quomodo te habes? My name is Jesús Guerrero-Paquette. I am originally from Venezuela and I speak Spanish, English, Italian and Latin. I am proficient in New Testament Greek and I have a basic level of Portuguese.
I have a B.A. in Libral Arts from Anáhuac University in Puebla, México, and a B.A. in Philosophy from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, Italy.
Since 2010, when I joined Seminary, I have been living in international environments which fostered my ability to learn and understand languages. My peers were from all over the world and more often than not, I would be having dinner with 10 guys, each one of them from another country. I have taught Latin for beginners, Classical Christian Latin, Oratores Romanorum (Cicero, Quintilianus and Augustune) and Roman poetry at the Legion of Christ College in Cheshire, Connecticut.
I have taught seminarians from South and North America, Europe and Asia.
I have also tutor in several languages such as: Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian and English. Feel free to reach out and ask me questions to see how we could work together!